HR Administration – Part I: What do you need to know?

HR Administration – Part I: What do you need to know?

HR Administration may not be the most exciting part of HR, but creating and implementing well-refined processes is one of the most important things you can do to keep that pipeline full and flowing. No matter how free-spirited and spontaneous an employee may be out of the office, most of us crave a certain amount of structure. Unfortunately, without proper HR administration processes in place, things can slip through the cracks, and your team may start to feel confused, overlooked, and frustrated.

In the first of our ADDA Services blogs, we provide an overview of some of the things you should consider regarding your HR administration processes. Then, you’ll see how leveraging the right tools could help you improve efficiency, boost employee engagement and retention, and save yourself and your team a lot of stress.

In our first look at HR Administration, we’ll focus on Legal and Compliance, Handbooks and Policy, Onboarding and Off-boarding, and Workers’ Comp Management.

Legal and Compliance

HR administrator working on invoices


When it comes to legal and compliance, there is little room for error or misinterpretation. As such, compliance with employment laws is a cornerstone of effective HR administration. First, you must be crystal clear on your jurisdiction’s rules, policies, and processes. Then you must design a set of procedures and checks to ensure you stay within bounds and operate in a legally proper way. Get it wrong, and you could find yourself in trouble with your state or federal government. 

A robust compliance process includes keeping records of checks, implementing procedures to stay on the right side of relevant legislation, and recording evidence that people are taking responsibility for their compliance. 

Compliance can be one of the most daunting aspects of leading an organization because the stakes are so high. We would always argue that the best way to manage legal and compliance is to keep things simple and intuitive. Suppose you feel like legal and compliance are outside the realm of your expertise. In that case, we’ll work closely with you to ensure your business complies with federal and state employment laws, giving you more time to focus on the areas where you can make the biggest impact.

Handbooks and Policy

Smiling HR administrator

As far as your relationship with current and future employees goes, your company policy and corresponding handbook are more or less the bible. Some will glance at it on their first day, others may read it thoroughly and ask questions, and some will use it as a resource that they refer back to for advice throughout their employment. This is why handbook and policy creation are crucial elements of HR administration. 

Your handbook should be easy to navigate and understand for your employees. If they have a question about what is expected of them, they should be able to refer to their handbook and find the answer in minutes.

Because it should cover most expectations and outcomes, putting together a robust policy and handbook isn’t a particularly quick or easy task. You could include information relating to:

  • Your company mission statement
  • The background of your business
  • Non-disclosure agreements 
  • Conflict of interest statements
  • Code of conduct
  • Sexual harassment and anti-discrimination policies 
  • Safety and Security 
  • Technology
  • Media Relations
  • Benefits 
  • Compensation
  • Payroll deductions 
  • Performance reviews 
  • Hours of work 
  • Availability policies 
  • Vacation policies 
  • Promotions
  • Transfers
  • Exit policies

There’s a lot to get right, and you need it to be pitch-perfect. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all template; every business is different. Our HR administration experts work closely with our clients to develop a policy that works for them. Then, as their company grows and changes, we help ensure their handbook stays up to date.

Onboarding and Off-boarding

Office employee working in HR administration

When working life gets busy, things can often become a bit of a blur. It’s easy to forget what tasks you’ve worked on, emails you’ve sent, and even what you had for lunch yesterday. However, they will usually remember the experience they had when they first joined your company. Similarly, they’re going to remember the experience they had when it was time to move on. Without savvy HR administration, you may find that impression to be less than flattering.

Everything from standard paperwork to the welcome orientation, team introductions, culture acclimation, and job-specific training needs careful consideration. We work with our clients to create positive onboarding plans to help people feel welcome and supported from day one. Moreover, if an employee to leave, we’ll also have you covered with a professional, respectful program to ease their transition.

Workers’ Compensation Management 

Accidents and injuries in the workplace are an unfortunate reality, and you do not want to be unprepared for them. That’s why we designed our services to educate your team on reporting requirements and everything that follows in helping get an employee healthy and safely back to work. With our HR administration expertise, you can implement straightforward and efficient processes to guide teams through the management of workers’ compensation.

Outsource your HR to us

No matter your starting point, we’re here to offer expert HR direction and support to help you achieve your goals. Whether you need full-service HR in-house or ad-hoc support as needed, we have the HR administration know-how that you need. Get in touch today by filling out the form here!

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