Dispelling the Myth: HR is Not Just a Legal Requirement

Human Resources (HR) often sends shivers down the spines of many small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) owners. Seen as a bureaucratic necessity or a legal burden, HR is frequently misunderstood and underappreciated. However, the right HR service model for SMEs can be a game-changer, transforming HR from a mere compliance function into a strategic asset […]

The New Essential Role of HR in SMEs

Human Resources (HR). Not the most exciting topic, right? When most people think of HR, they imagine policy dragons in ivory towers, dishing out rules and regulations. The idea of the essential role of HR in SMEs and their growth probably seems like a stretch. This stereotype is especially pervasive in small and medium-sized enterprises […]

Small Business Success Strategies: The New Essential Role of Human Resources

How on Earth can small business success strategies rest on the shoulders of Human Resources? Let’s be honest, Human Resources (HR) often evokes yawns rather than excitement. It’s a topic that, for many, conjures images of stern policy enforcers tucked away in corporate towers, issuing directives like mythical dragons guarding their treasure trove. But Human […]

Why I founded ADDA: Your Outsourced HR Experts

What is outsourced Human Resources (HR) and why did I start my own outsourced HR firm? Well it’s simple: I wanted to ensure that small and medium enterprise (SME) owners had bespoke, affordable solutions to their HR requirements. That’s why I started ADDA; to bring high-level HR expertise to SMEs without the need to hire […]

When Should You Outsource HR for Your SME Business?

This one’s for you, fellow SME business owners, who may be at the stage of wondering when you should outsource your HR. You’ve built your empire from the ground up, excelling in what you do best. But as you expand and hire more team members, the complexities of managing human resources start knocking on your […]

The Return on Investment from HR for Small Businesses

The question of the return on investment (ROI) from Human Resources (HR) is not new, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). Many perceive HR as a cost center, unsure if it adds any tangible value to their bottom line. In this blog, we delve into the often-overlooked potential of HR in contributing to business […]

I-9 Remote Verification Changes in 2023

I-9 Remote Verification Changes in 2023

With Covid-19 bringing on the remote workforce, some adjustments had to be made regarding employee verification.  Since 1986, employers have been required to physically examine new hires’ documentation. But during the COVID-19 pandemic, DHS allowed employers temporary flexibility to inspect Form I-9 documents remotely to accommodate the need for employees to work remotely to limit […]

Developing a Total Rewards Strategy

Developing an effective total rewards strategy is a critical step toward improving, among other things, your employee retention rates. Sure, people want to earn a high salary, but so much more goes into play during a job search. Inclusive, competitive total rewards strategies align organizations under a consistent philosophy of the value they provide. In […]

Making Meetings Purposeful

Group of business people clapping hands for a coworker in staff meeting. Multi-ethnic business team applauding for a female colleague in a meeting.

Instead of grinding through hours of unnecessary meetings each week, check out this blog to learn how to have more purposeful meetings.

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