10 ways to boost employee morale this winter

10 ways to boost employee morale this winter

As the colder months set in and we re-adjust to working life after a well-earned holiday, finding the motivation to “win” in January is often easier said than done!

While the new year signals a fresh start, new opportunities, and the chance to do things differently, it can also prove a challenging time with the hidden pressure of meeting such ambitious targets. 

So, what can be done? With a few purposeful changes both at work and at home, it is possible to keep spirits high, teams motivated, and productivity steady. Here are 10 ways to boost employee morale this winter.


1. Support employees with SAD

Seasonal Defective Disorder (SAD) can be debilitating for those who suffer from it – impacting eating and sleeping habits, energy levels, and thus concentration overall. For those employees working remotely, employers can show their support by checking in regularly and always keeping the conversation open. Encouraging employees to make the most of the natural light – such as a desk by the window or taking regular walks – can also help when coping with SAD.


2. Encourage exercise

While hybrid or remote working comes with its perks, the lack of commute and in-person contact paired with sitting at home all day can result in the absence of exercise altogether. The colder months of course make the thought of exercise less appealing, so employers that suggest ways to work out at home can help ease workers back into healthy habits. A team step challenge for charity is a great way to kick things off, or an online class where all team members are invited to participate can prove the perfect Monday motivator.


boost employee morale at home

3. Ensure the correct home set-up

From the home office to the kitchen table, employees working remotely will have their own way of doing things. Yet the lack of a proper desk set-up or internet connection, for example, can cause problems – both physically and mentally – down the line. Do your employees have access to a proper office chair with support? Do they need a stand for their laptop for a more comfortable working position? Is their connection sufficient enough so that they attend/host team meetings without any hiccups? The winter is a great opportunity to hit restart and reassess the hybrid workstation.


4. Champion the right work-life balance

For hybrid operations to run smoothly, employers who set boundaries on behalf of the company will only encourage employees to follow by example, and stick to them. Enforcing a “finish-early Friday” when the work is done, or asking employees not to reply to emails after a certain time of day, can help teams feel more in control. The willingness to be flexible when personal commitments disrupt the day can also help to reduce stress and make employees feel supported when it really counts. When team morale is low, striking the right work-life balance is crucial to its recovery.


5. Share recipes

The post-holiday hangover can be hard to shake – and we’re just talking the food! To get people excited about healthy eating again, encourage employees to share their best-loved recipes among the team once a week. From nourishing breakfast bowls to alternative lunch ideas, this can also go a long way in boosting team performance. For those physically working in the office, ensure fresh fruit is on offer to promote healthy snacking. Wherever they may be at lunchtime, discourage employees from eating at their desks. A dedicated breakout area – whether in the office or at home – affords individuals the time to decompress for their lunch hour. 


Plant shop, small business, boost employee morale

6. Let there be plants

Believe it or not, studies have shown that those working in an office with plants are less likely to suffer from burnout. Why? Bringing plants into the workplace is just one way of making the office feel more welcoming – from improving the air quality to reducing stress levels, and even sparking creativity! For those working on-site, just a few plants in the vicinity can help brighten and bring warmth to the space. And for those working at home, plants can be added to the home office budget; even the smallest gesture of a packet of seeds can encourage employees to consider going greener – and feel all the better for it.


7. Help them help others

With a lack of connection often leading to a lack of purpose, employers who encourage their teams to give something back can prove a real boost for all involved. Whether it’s contributing to national charitable events throughout the year, volunteering within the local community, or the introduction of a charitable lunch hour, employers who provide frequent opportunities to do so will only boost morale – and raise much-needed funds for worthy causes in the process. To push that even further, employers could even offer to match the total donations made, making it a true team effort.


8. Drive continuous learning

In a world of uncertainty, training and development can create a sense of pride and belonging within the workforce – a crucial factor when faced with low morale. A great way to enhance employee engagement, professional development also gives your best employees staying power and the desire to unlock their true potential over time. From attending specialist conferences to enrolling on a course (or even having the chance to train others), employers who place value on continuous learning are too placing value on their employees’ happiness – both now and in the future. 


9. Make time for laughter

When was the last time you laughed at work? As goofy as it may sound, laughter is good for the soul. While remaining professional is of course important, it’s also important not to take yourself too seriously. Encouraging a good sense of humor – especially when times are tough – can help to relieve any excess stress employees may be feeling. An internal team channel dedicated to bad jokes, or nominating team members for a “funny employee” award can also help build a sense of camaraderie within the workforce. And it doesn’t cost a thing.


10. Be a transparent leader

Finally, the ability to remain honest and transparent as a leader can help build trust among teams, and maintain morale as a result. This can also empower employers and employees to work more collaboratively – with open channels of communication encouraging the constant exchange of ideas. When it comes to company culture, making improvements together can help boost employee morale and act as a reminder that every voice counts. Frequent feedback sessions, both in a group and on a one-to-one basis, can also encourage both parties to raise and resolve concerns that would otherwise be left unsaid.


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